Friday, July 31, 2009

Education of today's students

Today's educators are challenged. They are expected to be made 'accountable', verified through many irrelevant tests, be responsible for teaching students all that they should learn, when they know that the only thing the public cares about is the results on those tests, and ...expected to do so on ...usually...a very limited budget of time and money. What should they do?

Many of our students are finishing school without the ability to read, or to write, or to be able to think through common scenarios with common sense. Many of our students are opting for not finishing school, as they consider it irrelevant to their life.

On the other hand, many of our students are being successful, engage in real learning, and are successful, due to, or despite their formal education. What is the difference between these two large groups of students? What decides whether or not they fail or succeed? I'd love to hear from people on both sides of this question.

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